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Author: CEAdmin

Natural Revelation

Natural Revelation

The Bible speaks of it, and we see it every day.  Nature itself reveals the handiwork of a Creator.  In this third sermon from the Ozark 2018 Memorial Day Meeting, evangelist David Griffin expertly covers the topic of “Natural Revelation.”

The Truth Frees: Lessons 1 & 2 Available Now!

The Truth Frees: Lessons 1 & 2 Available Now!

Lessons 1 and 2 of The Truth Frees Bible correspondence course are available now!  Fill out an order form here or email us at to request copies today!  Stay tuned for announcements regarding lessons 3 through 6 in the near future!  

Morality and Ethics

Morality and Ethics

Here is the second lesson from the 2018 Ozark Memorial Day Meeting on “Answering Atheism.”  Many atheists claim that man does not need God in order to have an acceptable moral and ethical standard.  Are they right?  What has happened historically when the atheist worldview has dominated?  We highly recommend this excellent lesson by Austin McConnell on Morality and Ethics, which addresses these questions, and shows  that morals and ethics cannot truly exist apart from God.

The Nature of Faith

The Nature of Faith

From time to time, we hope to share various videos on the CE website that will be beneficial for study and spiritual growth.  We are excited to begin by sharing videos of sermons given at the 2018 Ozark Memorial Day Meeting.  The theme of the meeting was, “Answering Atheism.”  We want to say a special thank you to Austin McConnel at The Lamplight Dot Net for doing the video work and allowing us to share them online. We hope you…

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Spring 2018 Issue: The Kingdom

Spring 2018 Issue: The Kingdom

The Spring 2018 issue is now available! When John the Baptist began preaching, he did so proclaiming, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!” (Mt. 3:1-2). When Jesus began His teaching ministry, He also preached the “gospel of the kingdom” (Mt. 4:23). But what is the kingdom of Heaven? In this first issue of 2018, evangelists Mike Criswell and Doug Edwards discuss the nature and importance of the concept of God’s kingdom. These articles will be sure help…

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Must I Wash Your Feet?

Must I Wash Your Feet?

I read recently about a preacher who travels on foot across the United States and other countries carrying a large wooden cross and a large bowl from which he washes the feet of those he meets. His reenactment of Jesus’ act of loving service garners attention and a venue to share the gospel, but did Jesus bind foot washing on all Christians? It looks like He did if you read only John 13:14-15, “If I then, your Lord and Teacher,…

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Is the Bible Anti-Slavery?

Is the Bible Anti-Slavery?

  We are so familiar with barbaric forms of slavery that we naturally consider all forms of slavery inherently evil. We see the cruelties of the Egyptian pharaoh and the abuses in American history against African-American slaves and we recoil. Slavery is not merely a problem of the past. Recent studies show as many as 30 million people living in slavery today in 162 countries. Research indicates that there are 14 million people living as slaves in India. These unfortunate…

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Sermon Outline: I Know Jesus!

Sermon Outline: I Know Jesus!

In Matthew 26:69-75, we read the account of Peter’s denial.  Ironically, a man that knew Jesus better than most vehemently denied knowing the Lord.  Some today do the exact opposite, claiming to know Jesus when, in truth, they don’t.  Here is a sermon outline on this very topic, which addresses what we can expect in our own lives if we truly know Jesus!

Book Review: From House to House

Book Review: From House to House

Evangelists evangelize. The obligation to share the truth, however, is not limited to the professionals (1 Peter 3:15). All Christians learn through trial and error but with eternity hanging in the balance for those first hearing the gospel, why not benefit from the experience of others? Another evangelist recently told me that when he began preaching, the first book his evangelist father gave him was Ivan Stewart’s classic, From House to House. What a wise choice! Although Stewart’s book was…

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