Spring 2020 Issue: Church Leadership
The Spring 2020 issue is available! Leadership is important. In the realms of education, business, politics, and even the home, success is dependent on good leadership. This is also true in the Church. In fact, there may be no realm in which leadership is more important. Sadly, however, leadership in the church is often neglected. Too often men either turn to the secular world for leadership models, or sometimes leadership is neglected altogether. This ought not to be. Every congregation in the Lord’s church should diligently pursue biblical leadership. This issue of The Christian’s Expositor Journal is not an exhaustive treatise on church leadership, but seeks to provide a vital introduction to the matter. What is God’s pattern for leadership? Why is it important? How should Christian’s act towards leaders? The hope is this issue will address those questions and others, and encourage individuals and congregations to renew their efforts to work towards and establish Biblical leadership!
If you are not a subscriber, you can purchase a physical or digital copy of this issue here!
Articles in this issue include:
Church Leadership: The New Testament Pattern
A Christian’s Responsibility to Church Leaders
New Testament Titles for Leadership
The Importance and Blessing of Eldership
How Can Congregations Work Towards Eldership?
How Long Should Establishing an Eldership Take?